Acute pain in the lumbar region, osteoarthritis background is a common problem faced by the vast majority of people. We are Having a "reward" to our bipedalism (due to the higher axial load on the spine), this disease sooner or if it affects all the planet, the question is how fast in vain this paid symptoms and how pronounced. Such a "grim" statistics makes us to classify this pathology of socially significant diseases and it is the responsibility should be in vain in the individual suffering from the symptoms of the disease and global health care system as a whole. Therefore, the issue of treatment of osteochondrosis – a very important topic.
So what is osteochondrosis? Let us consider briefly the development of the disease. Sen my name, if it translates literally from the Latin structure changes during osteoarthritis: bone and cartilage. For and a damping resistance to the vertical load of the nature has placed between the two vertebrae there is a sort of fibro-cartilage "cushions" — the intervertebral discs. Their food is implemented in childhood due to the blood vessels, which lost about 25 years, and the food scattered began to be, because the surrounding muscles.
Pathological loads on the spine (sedentary work, or excessive exercise), violations of the processes of mineral metabolism of the intervertebral disc loses absorbing its features and flexible, reducing its height, changing the structure of the vertebrae, is a pathological bony growths (osteophytes zamechatelnye and plates), impaired mobility of the affected part of the spine. In the later stages of the disease the Central part of the intervertebral disc called the nucleus pulposus, breaking the fibrous ring, to form a kind of saccular aneurysm of the institutions between the vertebrae — intervertebral hernia. Herniation can cause compression of the adjacent vertebrae with nerve root sharp pain in the region of compression, as well as the field of adjustable Work affected nerve. Because of the constant irritation of the nerve plexus is the reflex spasm of the muscles, of medicine called a protective defense that protects on the other hand, suffer from the spine from excessive movements, and on the other hand, more compression, pain and swelling in the target area.
In most cases (90%) the pain syndrome in osteochondrosis (even very obvious), due to muscle spasm! In other cases, the cause of the pain is compression of the nerve roots of the spinal cord or directly to the herniated disc.
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine: how to deal with
All parts of the spine, and there are five of them (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal), because of the large engine loads the manifestations of disease of the lumbar spine. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is bright, all the familiar symptoms and treatment is a major social problem, because it affects the quality of life is not active in vain for the elderly but for people of working age.

The pain can be localized directly in the lumbar region, and also the front of the thigh in the back or outer surface of the leg, sometimes the fingers. Use the camera to give pain to the buttocks, pelvis, perineum, and sometimes can be unnecessary localized in these areas, masquerading as diseases of the genitourinary system and the right of the intestines complicating the diagnosis. Pain intensity may be so great that the person loses the ability to perform the most basic movements, to accept a position you lose the normal way and go to sleep. A lot of That sciatica, in the wider circles that has long been the disease synonymous.
Restriction of physical activity. Violated the normal mobility and sensitivity of the limbs, occur muscle cramps, paresthesia (tingling, burning, "pins and needles").
Dysfunction of the pelvic organs. The intense radicular syndrome is known as sciatica, or a massive Grajewo the protrusion can even be broken urination and bowel, causing severe pain to the patient.
Treatment of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine the use of will become challenging for both the patient and the doctor. Each person suffering from this disease were asked the following questions: "How to treat lumbar degenerative disc disease?", "How to treat osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine?", "If the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine at home does not help – to what doctor to address?", "If the pills ointment and lumbar disc does not help the disease - how to treat?".
To cope with aggravation of degenerative disc number of the disease and effective treatment to help the following physicians: therapist, neurologist, specialist, medical massage, chiropractor, physical therapist, and if necessary, surgical treatment – the doctor-the neurosurgeon.
Ways to deal with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
The most important thing in the treatment of degenerative disc disease is the right way of life! People, actively and properly and engage in physical culture certificate of the spine, the back never hurts! Unfortunately, few people adhere to these simple truths.
Looking at this issue, we can distinguish:
- medication;
- drug-free.
Non-pharmacological methods of treatment of pathology of the lumbar spine
Distraction procedures. Their impact has my name on it - use a variety of applicators, massage mats and pillows, wool belts, "widgets" and "rastertime", because in ny the effect of surface nerve endings of blood vessels, muscle cramping and reduce pain. Can be used for These methods as an extra, isolated but their use during exacerbation of osteochondrosis of lumbar segment without systemic treatment with a particular drug ineffective.
Means of immobilization. These tools understand the ties of various designs, wearing, which allows to protect the spine sharp and "dangerous" moves and share the load, if static Work. Means, of immobility you can buy in medical stores and equipment in pharmacies, however before buying it is advisable to consult a doctor who will help determine the context of design, the stiffness and configuration of the side. It is recommended to use them in vain when the influence of harmful factors (driving sedentary Work, etc.), long-term use causes wasting of the muscles.
Occupational therapy (occupational therapy) is an integral part of the complex treatment of degenerative disc disease. Exercise to maintain muscle tone back and removal of pathological muscle spasm and helps restore maintain physical activity, reduce the pain syndrome intensity. A major plus occupational therapy is that a person family learning service area can then carry out independently daily exercises at home, that there is a and a set of exercises, apply even in the aggravation of the process. The most effective method of physical therapy is aquatic therapy sessions at the gym is a separately developed technology, because of the formation of the muscular corset, it is necessary to work with weights.
Massage has been known since ancient times, the most common and perhaps the most beloved patients the way of prevention and treatment, however, at the stage of exacerbation of osteochondrosis of lumbar segment is not void use. In addition, massage with osteochondrosis should be in vain a specialist with medical education, fully aware and physiology and knowledge of the technician is a medical therapeutic massage.
Manual therapy gaining popularity, and recent years'osteopathy is performed by a qualified professional can have a significant therapeutic effect and even longer to get rid of exacerbations. It is also important to remember that before you go to a chiropractor began procedures necessary to conduct instrumental examinations of the spine (x-ray, CT or magnetic resonance imaging, osteodensitometry), so that the doctor can assess and incidence the severity of the process and close the poi possible against manipulation. Such as massage, chiropractic'osteopathy are set, and against, such as a strong compression of the nerve root herniation, subluxation of the vertebrae. In the acute stage of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine using, as a rule, soft techniques of manual therapy (muscle relaxation, etc.).
Acupuncture. According to recent studies, the use of this popular is the circles method, evidence-based medicine is considered excessive osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, the symptoms of the disease is not removed, and refers to alternative methods of treatment.
Occupational therapy, national clinical guidelines and standards of medical treatment of osteochondrosis, has long proved its effectiveness in the treatment of this disease. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine applied to the electro myostimulation, amplipulse therapy, the treatment of the shock wave, interstitial myostimulation, laser. A popular method in the complex treatment remains magnetic. It are a good tolerability benefits ny small list against the acute period the possibility of the application of the disease. Links to all the Works of the pathological process already after a few treatments significantly reduce the pain and allows a person to expand physical activity. In addition, to improve the trophism of the affected tissue, it slows down the progression of the disease. The obvious advantage of this method is the possibility of its use in the patient independent of medical institutions outside.
But if all of the above non-pharmacological methods have been ineffective - then what for the treatment of lumbar degenerative disc disease?
The disease is associated with the appointment of the following groups of drugs:
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids) are available in the form for topical (gels, creams, ointments), systemic and treatment (tablets, suppositories, and solutions for intramuscular, intravenous). Their training is based on blocking the inflammatory process the enzymatic level, to remove due to the swelling of the affected area significantly and reduce the pain.
The initial stage of the disease is enough local application is not combined with anti-inflammatory drugs-pharmacological methods (occupational therapy, magneto therapy). When expressed pathological process and the intense pain has to resort to tablets and sometimes injectable drugs and forms.
Unfortunately, it is a good anti-inflammatory analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs effect, a systemic long-term use can cause the development and worsening of ulcerative erosive digestive processes and, and, and liver kidney. Patients So long used anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs that protect the gastric mucosa of laboratory monitoring and regular and performance of the liver kidneys.
The system muscle relaxants, i.e., drugs that relieve muscle spasm. The principle of their education is my name: relaxation of spastic muscles, compression of the nerves and reduce blood vessels, swelling of the affected area and improves blood circulation lymph drainage – reduces pain by reducing défense reduce muscle tension the ligaments to reduce bulging (protrusion) of the intervertebral disc – simmering pain, increases range of motion.
Muscle relaxants in the treatment of osteochondrosis is produced in the form of tablets and solutions for intramuscular, to achieve a therapeutic effect, they have to take a long time, gradually increasing the dose. As well as anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, has a number of contraindications and may cause unwanted side effects, which is why, despite the free sale of the pharmacy, the man comes before buying consult with your doctor.
Local anesthetics or medications, local anesthesia is used for the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis in the form of the so-called paravertebral blockade, when the drug solution is administered first under the skin, and then processes affect the vertebral projection of the expected compression of the nerve root.
Accumulate the mucous membranes in the nerve fibers, the drug effectively blocks the pain signal. The therapist, of course, you can run such a blockade can not, it is necessary to consult a neurologist or neurosurgeon.
Comes paravertebral injections are sometimes used in solutions of glucocorticoids (GCS) - hormonal drug, has strong anti-inflammatory effect. Local application with their help you can achieve the greatest impact, with a small table of the unwanted side effects of the drug. Such closures will be held courses 2-3 times a year, in order to fulfill their needs neurology physician or neurosurgeon.
Vitamins of group "b". Any pharmacy, you can find this group of drugs, such as forms and oral muscle. They are believed to have neurotrophic levels and analgetics effect, but their reliable to justify the use of osteochondrosis of the spine evidence-based medicine is not obtained.
Occupational therapy osteoarthritis in the lumbar

Unfortunately, sometimes the complex treatment of modern medicine, occupational therapy, massage therapy and exercise is ineffective – the person continues to experience pain is confined to the physical activity significantly affects the quality of life. It will pay in the later stages of the disease, when forming a three-dimensional, often several gryzenia protrusion of the intervertebral discs. In this situation, surgical treatment is indicated. In addition, surgical intervention is referred to the so-called "prolapse and a hernia" when a significant compression of the spinal canal causes pain nekupirutayasa, static-dynamic violations of the embargo and the functions of the bladder and intestines. In such cases, cutting a full case of emergency. The purpose of the surgical measures for degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine is a mechanical decompression of the spinal canal the nerve and the roots.
Currently, surgical treatment of osteoarthritis have been used for a long time and well known surgical techniques modern medicine minimally invasive endoscopic procedures using a laser-RF-and-exposure, which can be done part even under local anesthesia.
Take into account the main ways of treatment of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine, I want to reiterate that the patient, who asks: "how to treat lumbar degenerative disc disease?", should not trust in vain for the doctors to help, but in their own strength, realizing how important a healthy lifestyle that encourages proper nutrition has been applied correctly dosed physical load, and most importantly, there is faith to overcome the disease.